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2 posters

    Mintos Application


    Брой мнения : 1
    Join date : 2012-08-26

    Mintos Application  Empty Mintos Application

    Post  mintos Sun Aug 26, 2012 3:04 am

    1: Name of character, class, main spec, offspec:
    Mintos, death knight, unholy dps, blood tanking
    2: Age, where are you from?
    21, Charlotte, North Carolina, US
    3: Why did you choose 'Its just a fleshwound'?
    Seems like a very good raiding guild...interested in raiding high level content
    4: Why is it good for us to approve your application?
    I'm a very skilled player, played a death knight all through wotlk on retail. I have experience in ICC 25m and 10m killed LK on both, cleared ICC 10 heroic up to sindy. Also I have Shadowmourne Razz
    5: Which sites do you get your information about WoW?
    MMO-Champion, Elitist Jerks, Arena Junkies, WoWHead
    6: What is your PvE experience?
    Cleared ICC 10/25 all bosses...10 heroic up to sindy. Fully cleared all lower tier content in wrath as well. Also all the burning crusade raids/vanilla raids except naxx.
    7: Describe your style of play (Why you prefer a specific Build / glyph to another).
    I prefer unholy over frost because it is more fun and I bring more to a raid than any other build. I enjoy playing a DK because it is one of the funnest classes in the game for me.
    8: What is the role of your class in raid?
    9: Do you have any alt characters? What?
    I have a rogue, fury warrior, ret/prot pally, enhancement shaman which I play regularly, all at or over 6k gear score also have a warlock which I rarely play
    10: How much average dps do you do? (healers dont answer)
    Before I got Shadowmourne I was pulling around 10-12k depending on the boss...haven't really done a raid with Shadowmourne yet but I'm sure it will be alot higher lol...also not fully BiS yet but that'll happen soon Razz
    11: Do you have friends in the guild?
    I've raided with a few people in the guild, wouldn't exactly label them "friends" but I'm a very easy person to get along with
    12: What does it mean to you the phrase "to be prepared for the raid?"
    Having all flasks/food, gear repaired, if fights aren't known I'll watch a video of the tactic (not a problem for me really but I'll include that just to cover everything Razz) have enough time for the full raid.
    13: What Addons do you use?
    I use gearscore, recount, atlasloot enhanced, and outfitter
    14: Show InGame Screenshot without foreign character buffs ready to raid included Character Panel and Base Stats

    15: What does it mean to be a good teamplayer (team player)?
    Passing loot to people that need it more, switching roles when needed for the benefit of the raid, helping out with advice
    16: Do you use DBM? If the answer is NO - why?
    No, Honestly I never really need it. I have very good awareness and I've done ICC so many times its almost routine to me lol.
    17: Have you ever used TeamSpeak3 and are you able to use it?
    Never used teamspeak but I've used ventrilo...cant be that much different
    18: Do you have headphones and microphone available?
    19: It will often happen to be criticized in order to improve your performance in the raid, are you ready to take sharp criticism and to comply with the instructions of raid leaders? Is this a problem for you?
    Fine with me...I'm a supporter of constructive criticism
    20: Share additional information about you as a wow player, changing characters, servers, played time, etc.
    I've been playing a warrior and rogue since vanilla, when WOTLK came out I made a DK which was my main through WOTLK...also made a paladin in WOTLK that I played regularly. Been playing WoW for around 6 years off and on and I am very skilled with melee classes mainly although I know how to play every class pretty well...I'm best with warriors/rogues/dks/and paladins
    Guild Master

    Брой мнения : 17
    Join date : 2012-08-15
    Age : 30

    Mintos Application  Empty Re: Mintos Application

    Post  Bullshift Sun Aug 26, 2012 3:42 am

    This is a solid app. it obviously seems like you are an experienced player and have been playing for a long time. Luran may repremand me about accepting this without him giving his input. But these are the kind of players we are looking for, ones who are willing to go apply & use the site(many ppl on this server that /w me think a site for this server is useless and it is NOT, we will also be requiring ppl to sign up in site for sertain raids so thats a plus). He provided me with a screenshot also(he cannot post it as a new member) and has assured that he pulls enough dps, and I say if you have the dps and you have a good attitude - Accepted. (I have been talking with him and he has a good attitude so thats why I did not want to make him wait a long time to be accepted.)

    ty for applying & luran no need to repremand! Wink

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