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    Restoration Shaman - Healing Guide


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    Restoration Shaman - Healing Guide Empty Restoration Shaman - Healing Guide

    Post  Luran Sat Aug 18, 2012 3:18 pm


    Shaman: Restoration

    1. Talent Builds
    2. Glyphs
    3. Gems
    4. Enchants
    5. Consumables
    6. Professions
    7. Spell Haste
    8. Macros
    9. Major Abilities
    10. Addons

    These are the changes to our class who enter into force after 3.3.5:

    1. Talent builds:

    Option 1: 0/16/55 - http://talent.mmo-champion.com/?shaman#f9wAjXVnDIz52,,11623

    There is everything that need the shaman needs, Healing Focus, which combined with Concentration Aura from a paladin would give you 100% reduce spell pushback. But this talent in our buggy ICC is quite important, so if you have not activated it, but you need reduced spell pushback, you can achieve it without the talent, simply buff yourself with Earth Shield.

    Option 2: 0/13/58 - http://talent.mmo-champion.com/?shaman#f9wA5_x-qE-91,,11623

    This is my favorite build and I use it. The difference is that I sacrifice 45 spell power by Elemental Weapons, who are appointed to 3/3 Healing Focus. This way you will not have to worry about spell pushback in any instance.

    Option 3: 0/16/55 - http://talent.mmo-champion.com/?shaman#f9wAjLkbpNWoi,,11623

    This build has these 45 spell power by Elemental Weapons, But the drawback is the lack of points in Healing Way, making Healing Wave weaker.

    2. Glyphs:
    Major Glyphs:

    A major glyph is Glyph of Chain heal, which is much more effective in 25man raid than 5 or 10mA groups.
    Glyph Of Healing Wave - My personal choice that works on a principle similar to Beacon Of Light.
    Glyph Of Earthliving Weapon - here is debatable which of the 2nd glyph is a better choice this or Glyph of Earthshield, but currently am using this as an opportunity to facilitate healing the raid, given that tanks often are problematic target for healers. In some situations it may be better to replace both with one another glyph.

    Minor Glyphs:

    There's a mandatory glyph and he Glyph of Water Shield. The other two are as you choose.

    3. Gems:

    Gems in character can become a great investment and something that can greatly improve your performance in a raid.

    Assessment of how effective it is an object / socket / stone ratio will use HEP (Healing Effectiveness Points), calculated elitistjerks.net.

    For red slot: [Reckless Ametrine] (37 HEP)
    For blue slot: [Quick King's Amber] (50 HEP) unless it is necessary to put the other to enter the meta gem requirements.
    A yellow slot: [Quick King's Amber] (50 HEP)

    Meta Gem:

    There are two options, depending on your trinkets and your need for Mana Regen:

    Insightful Earthsiege Diamond if you have none or one trinket Sollace Of The Fallen.

    Returns 600 mana >> which is about 50 mp5
    Usually >> equals 50-70 HEP without trinkets Solace, 40-55 with 1 and 40 of Solace Solace x 2.
    15 seconds >> CD
    Proc's chance is around 5%.
    Haste: The more you have, the more effective is this meta gem.

    If Revitalizing Skyflare Diamong is your choice, if you have two Sollace Of The Fallen trinkets. This meta gems provides:

    Overheall >> 75% and 25% effective Heal
    The bigger part of the effective heal comes from larger crits from the secondary Ancestral Awakening
    There is noneed to use blue gems to activate.
    HEP is about 50 to Solace x 2

    4. Enchant:

    Weapon: Mighty Spellpower
    Shield: Greater Intellect

    Head: [Arcanum of Burning Mysteries]

    Shoulders: [Greater Inscription of the Storm]
    If you have a profession Inscription, you can use the Master's Inscription of the Storm

    Back: Greater Speed
    If you tailor: Lightweave Embroidery, which roughly equals 62.5 spellpower if procs once per minute.
    If you are an engineer, Springy Arachnoweave

    Chest: There are several options ... According to personal preferences:

    Greater Mana Restoration HEP ​​= 10
    Powerful Stats ~ 4.8 mp5 (5.5 mp5 with Mana Tide) and 1.8 spellpower HEP = 8.6 or 9.3 with Mana Tide still I prefer it, because bonus of 10 stamina.

    Wrist: Superior Spellpower (+30 spellpower)

    Fur Lining - Spell Power (requires Leatherworking)

    Gloves: Exceptional Spellpower (+28 spellpower)
    If you are an engineer, Hyperspeed Accelerators

    Legs: [Pattern: Sapphire Spellthread]
    Master's Spellthread (requires Tailoring). It's just a cheaper version of Sapphire Spellthread. (50 spellpower + 30 stamina)

    Feet: Tuskarr's Vitality (+15 stamina and Minor Run Speed ​​inscrease)

    If you're an engineer - Nitro Boosts

    * Rings: Greater Spellpower (+23 spell power)
    * Only enchanters.

    5. Consumables:

    Flask of the Frost Wyrm: Best Choice (125/172 HEP)
    Food: Imperial Manta Steak (HASTE 40 above) or if not available - Fish Feast

    6. Professions:

    Change as a shaman can raid with any combination of two advanced professions. If, however, we should note the combination of top raid, it is JC / BS, which get as much haste.

    7. Spell Haste - perhaps the most interesting and debated part of the shamans:

    Soft HASTE CAP change for shamans is 1269 haste (38.7%). This is the number you have to aim, if you count that you have the following raid buffs:
    5% from Wrath of Air Totem + 3% Improved Moonkin aura

    8. Macros:

    I personally use a lot of macros, with most of them i am healing:

    # Showtooltip Healing Wave
    / Cast Tidal Force
    / Cast Blood Fury
    / Cast Nature's Swiftness
    / Cast [@ mouseover, help, exists] [@ target, help, nodead] [@ targettarget, help, nodead] [@ player] Healing Wave (Rank 14)

    Instant critical Heal Healing Wave with a mouseover target. If you do not use mouseover - remove the last line of code (valid for all mouseover macros)

    # Showtooltip Wind Shear
    / Stopcasting
    / Cast [@ focus, harm, nodead] Wind Shear; Wind Shear

    Interrupt the current cast of your focus target. Very useful when fighting like Jaraxxus, Lady Deathwhisper, where the interrupt is important.

    # Showtooltip Lesser Healing Wave (Rank 9)
    / Cast [@ mouseover, help, exists] [@ target, help, nodead] [@ targettarget, help, nodead] [@ player] Lesser Healing Wave (Rank 9)

    Mouseover Lesser heal Wave (I like to use mouseover macros, okay?)
    This type of macro can be any magic that you need to heal / dispell.

    # Showtooltip Ancestral Spirit
    / Cast Ancestral Spirit (Rank 7)
    / Say Resurrecting% t

    Shows you who are ressurecting.

    # Showtooltip Reincarnation

    Allows you to put passive skills like Reincarnation on the action bars. Easier to track how much you time CD you have.
    Gear & Stats:

    From Gear shamans should seek to optimize the biggest benefit of the stats.

    Equiped with Gear with ilvl 232 and a lower priority is this:

    haste> spellpower> mp5> crit> spirit

    Over 232ilvl:

    spellpower> haste> crit> mp5> spirit

    In general, object sp, haste, crit is better than sp, haste, mp5.

    9. Major abilities:

    How one shaman has to heal?

    You should always monitor Earth Shield is active on one of the tanks. It is quite useful to have a addon like Power Auras / Totem Timers. If there is no change or more shamans, then always keep active ES on one caster for Interrupt protection.

    Lesser healing wave used a tank or any raid where Chain Heal would not be useful. This is the best way to keep us active buff for 10% Physical dmg reduce.

    Chain heal is our most used spell for Healing - especially mass Heal a large raid damage.

    Riptide - used almost on CD, to keep the buff relic of assets. Pretty good instant Heal.

    Healing wave should be used only when there is active Tidal waves of Riptide. NEVER spam Healing Wave, unless you want to get out of mana.

    10. Addons:

    What Addons should I use?
    There is really a huge selection of addon each of which is useful in certain situations .But the two most important addons for each shaman are:

    Totemtimers: This addon is great for monitoring your totems and shields.

    Raid frames: Personally, I use Grid. And I find it extremely important from the first day I installed it. You can set it to see who has Eearth Shield, which is activated by HOT Riptide, who has the buff with 10% physical dmg reduce, etc. There are other addon for raid frames, (healbot), but I always thought that the best option is Grid.

    Power Auras: It is the best in-game addon. I set it up to keep that there is Water shield on me, CD of Mana Tide totem, Riptide and notify me when there is not Earthshield casted on any raid member.

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