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    Holy Paladin - PVE Healing Guide


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    Holy Paladin - PVE Healing Guide Empty Holy Paladin - PVE Healing Guide

    Post  Luran Sat Aug 18, 2012 11:02 am

    2.Raid Buffs
    8.Useful Macros
    10.How to play

    Staminata not very important stat for healers and casters. It is obtained only by items.

    Intellect is the most important stat for holy paladins. For each point you get 15 mana intellect. Thanks to the Divine Intellect and Blessing of Kings each point already gives intelligence 18:15 mildew.
    For 100 intellect paladin gets:
    * 121 of Intellect Divine Intellect and BoK.
    * 1815 mana.
    * 453 mana every time you use Divine Plea, demek 22.6 mp5 if used in any CD.
    * 108.9 mana every time you use Arcane Torrent, if you are a Blood Elf.
    * 24.2 Spell Power of the Holy Guidance.
    * 0.725 Spell crit.

    Useless Stat of Holy Paladin.

    Spell Power
    Increase the quantity you heal. Also increase the absorbtion of Sacred Schield.

    Hit Rating
    Hits has little significance for Holy paladin. The only importance is for Judgement of Light and rolling of the Judgements of the Pure. You need 8% to misvate not, but we do not recommend it. Judgement wants some mildew and will not lose much if not hitnete.

    Critic Rating
    Increase the change you will crit with a spell (in the case the heal).When you crit, you make 150% of normal Heal. 45.91 crit rating equals 1% spell critical Level 80.

    This is a stat that reduces the time to cast a spell.32.79 Haste is equal to 1% to 80 lev.

    Increase your mana regeneration. It is not very necessary for Holy Paladin stat, since there are Devine Plea and Arcane Torrent, which are pretty good way of Mana Regen.

    For Holy Paladin most important stats are:
    Intellect> Haste> Crit> Spell Power> mp5

    2.Raid Buffs
    When someone mentions the raid buffs i mean this:
    * 5% Spell Haste, from Wrath of Air totem.
    * 3% Spell Haste, from Sanctified Retribution or Improved Moonkin Aura.
    * 15% Spell Haste, from Judgements of the Pure.
    * 5% Spell Crit, from Moonkin Aura from Elemental Oath.
    * 144 Spell Power of the Flame Tongue or 280 from Totem of Wrath.
    * 1% max mana per 5 sec, from Replenishment with 90% uptime.
    * 10% of all stats increasing of Blessing of Kings.
    * 92mp5 from Blessing of Wisdom or 110mp5 with Imp BoW / Resto Shaman Mana Spring Totem.
    * 111 Intellect by Arcane Intellect and Improved Mark of the Wild.

    There are several variants of Holy talents.
    The first, which is used most paladins http://talent.mmo-champion.com/?paladin#ilu_KwwdEY-kkU,,11623
    The second variant is http://talent.mmo-champion.com/?paladin#ilu_Kad5K1eke0,,11623
    I personally use http://talent.mmo-champion.com/?paladin#ilu_Kp77MMhq4E,,11623 , because I think Improved Concentration Aura and Aura Mastery talents are important.

    Good for Holy paladin glyphs are:
    * Glyph of Holy Light-most important glyph! Thanks to this glyph paladin is Multy-Target Healer.
    * Glyph of Divinity-This glyph is good only if it is combined with Minor Lay on Hands glyph and Lay on Hands talent.
    * Glyph of Beacon of Light-This glyph is pretty good because you save a Beacon every 3 minutes, giving you more mana than Divinity, unless it is caste itself.
    * Glyph of Seal of Wisdom / Glyph of Seal of Light-is also very important to have one of these glyph. It is your choice whether to heel over, or ending your mana more slowly. If you have problems with mana should definitely choose Glyph of Seal of Wisdom. I use Glyph of Seal of Light.
    * Glyph of Lay on Hands-Minor glyph only good for Holy Paladin.

    I myself prefer: Glyph of Holy Light, Seal of Light and Glyph of Beacon of Light
    Enchant that I recommend are:
    Head - http://www.wowhead.com/item=44159
    Shoulders - http://www.wowhead.com/item=44135
    Chest - Mana 250
    Cloak - Haste 23
    Bracers - 16 Intellect
    Hands - 28 Spell Power
    Legs - 50 Spell Power & 30 Stamina
    Feet - 15 Stamina and Movement Speed
    Fingers - 23 Spell Power
    Weapon - 30 Intellect
    Shield - Intellect 25

    Flask- Flask of Frost Wyrm
    Potions - Runic Mana Potion

    Jewelcrafting - 3 sockets x34 Intellect
    Enchanting - Spell Power 2x23 rings
    Blacksmith - 2 bonus sockets on gloves and bracers
    Inscription - 75 spell power and 15 critical strike of sholders
    Skinning - 40 Spell crit.

    8.Useful Macros
    I personally do not play with a lot of macros. Use macro for mana Regen (Arcane Torrent + Silver of Pure Ice):

    # Showtooltip
    / Cast Arcane Torrent
    / Use Silver of Pure Ice

    Macro for Judgement:

    # Showtooltip Judgement of Light
    / Cast [target = target, harm, nodead] [target = targettarget, harm, nodead] Judgement of Light

    Divine Plea + Remove

    # Showtooltip
    / Cancelaura Divine Plea
    / Cast Divine Plea

    Also recommend mouseover macros such as:

    # Showtooltip
    / Cast [target = mouseover, help] [target = target, help] [target = targettarget, help] Holy Light; Holy Light

    Useful Addons are:

    Pally Power - Really good addon! Facilitates paladin largely helps to control over a class buffs.

    Grid - I think this is the best addon for raid frames. Helps control the Beacon, SS and other spells of your choice.

    Dominos - Gives you complete bars and facilitates Binds.

    Sexy Cooldowns - Also very useful addon that helps you keep track of all CD's.

    10.How to play
    Start with SS and Beacon on the tank. Then watch when all paladins will put Judgement of Light. Always have your Judgement active, to make maximum HPS. Heal mainly with Holy Light and sometimes with Holy shock if someone misses little Health.

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