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    Toamuka - any roles and any classes.


    Брой мнения : 6
    Join date : 2012-09-01
    Age : 27

    Toamuka - any roles and any classes. Empty Toamuka - any roles and any classes.

    Post  toamukas Sun Sep 02, 2012 12:42 am

    1: Name of character, class, main spec, offspec:

    Currently I have a few characters:
    Lateralus - Elemental shaman 6.4kgs Kingslayer
    Deathchicken - Frozen Blood DK 6.4kgs Kingslayer
    Cleanse - Holy Paladin 5.8kgs

    2: Age, where are you from?
    I am from England, Age is something I keep to myself, I hope it doesn't bother anybody but it may be told in due time with the guild.

    3: Why did you choose 'Its just a fleshwound'?
    I'm English... Which English person in the right mind wouldn't join a guild with a 100% pure english comedy quote from a movie Razz , Naw that reason is stupid, although it did catch my eye, I saw in Global that you were a PvE guild and im sick of being guildless + Wiping with ... these people; the Globals.

    4: Why is it good for us to approve your application?
    I can bring high quality DPS/Tanking/Healing to the guild, knowledge of raids, classes and mechanics and probably other traits.

    5: Which sites do you get your information about WoW?
    when i first started out with my own guild i got my information from Tankspot and WoWhead to read spell abilities, but when it comes to class information it's all first-hand.. oh and some raiding information is all first hand.

    6: What is your PvE experience?
    Full completeion after many wipes on Omegawow with my own guild.
    100% ICC
    100% EoE
    100% Naxx
    80%ish Ulduar
    100% ToC
    All done as heal/dps/tank

    7: Describe your style of play (Why you prefer a specific Build / glyph to another).
    Well i'll just say my classes on how i play them

    DK Tank, I'm specced like this: http://www.http://wow335.gamestool.net/deathknightt.php?0053121033303310221220100000315050510002300100000000000000052000000000000000000000000000

    Since DKs are quite hard to come by, and Enhancement shamans why not have all the buffs? Heck have Hystiria in it too, make a fury warrior's day! the real thing about DK is that... well.. You can tank 0/0/0 so your Spec is really about what grants the most survivability, Threat gain doesn't really matter since you can Spam Icy Touch for insane aggro. i've played many DK specs for tanking, Frost 2h,DW , Unholy, Blood and i've found that the FrozenBlood 2h Hybrid is the best for me, You can solo a lot of bosses and dont need much healing with this, and you also have 3% extra avoidance from frost, also you can shoot out more rune strikes with the 20%+20% haste buff.

    Glyphs are Runetap, Disease and Vampiric Blood.

    use Runetap to heal the raid since damage is barely taken by this DK spec, Vampiric blood really has NO cooldown (1minute? 45seconds?) so pop it whenever you're going to take some damage to save on healer's mana, or to empower your own runetap, AMS is also good to use on boss abilities to mitigate dmg and save healer's mana.. Icebound Fortitude however has to be saved, as it is a large CD.

    Lichborne can be used to get out of the fire on BQL if you're unlucky enough. IT can also be used to use Runic power to heal yourself ( Deathcoil macro)

    Holy Paladin Spec: http://wow335.gamestool.net/paladint.php?503501520100130531005152215000000000000000000000000005230050000000000000000000

    Stack intel, Spam Holylight, Keep Beacon on self, Shield tank keep FoL HoT on tank... Pretty simple. Glyph of Holy Light is most important, and that's it.. Use Judgement off cooldown and autoattack whatever to keep mana up. Simple.

    Elemental Shaman :http://wow335.gamestool.net/shamant.php?35300015032133513223013510050502310000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

    Priolist Flameshock>Lavaburst>Chainlightning(ifMobsare+1)>ElementalMastery>LightningBolt

    Pull 17k+ DPS. keep totems up yadayada.

    8: What is the role of your class in raid?
    Every Role.

    9: Do you have any alt characters? What?

    10: How much average dps do you do? (healers dont answer)
    DPS as elemental minimal of 14k+ most 18k+

    11: Do you have friends in the guild?
    Cutelady and I had a really nice long conversation, (s)he said I was an interesting + Funny person to have in raid.

    12: What does it mean to you the phrase "to be prepared for the raid?"
    Well fed and flasks! and to know the tactics. (Been a guild master before hehe)

    13: What Addons do you use?
    Bartender Chatter Sexymap, I know all the tactics and the visuals in Wotlk are extremely pronounced ( You even get messasges on abilities anyway ) so i do not use Deadly Boss Modes, i downloaded it once and removed it right after the raid, it spammed my screen with text on things that were obvious, and the fact that it makes me read the text, and in certain cases it would make me miss what was actually happening ( Unstable ooze Explosion you must spread, it's hard to spread when you have HUGE TEXT on your screen, it's also easy to tell if people are bitten on BQ... they are red and 10 ft tall... )

    oh i also use Healbot and Decursive (even on my shaman) if i notice a healer die i will heal, and i always cleanse, Regardless.

    14: Show InGame Screenshot without foreign character buffs ready to raid included Character Panel and Base Stats
    Lateralus - https://2img.net/r/ihimg/f/6/lateraluschar.jpg/ 16.80% Hit rating ( Hit rating from Talents ARENT added on display, yes i'm aware im 0.20% under hit cap but overall i miss 1 lightning bolt OVERALL, will be fixed anyway )

    Deathchicken - https://2img.net/r/ihimg/f/440/deathchickenchar.jpg/

    Cleanse - https://2img.net/r/ihimg/f/853/cleansechar.jpg/

    15: What does it mean to be a good teamplayer (team player)?
    Tratits of a good teamplayer:
    - Doesn't say "omg noob" when wiping.
    - Doesn't say "omg noob" when outdpsing people.
    - Will cleanse/heal even if you're a DPS to assist raid.
    - Will assist on tactics, if something is missed.
    - Will suggest alternatives if something is going wrong.
    - Explains tactics to those who don't understand.
    - Helps others with specs if they have a slip-up, or if their DPS is lower than it should be.

    16: Do you use DBM? If the answer is NO - why?
    Already stated. Too annoying, tells me what i already know.

    17: Have you ever used TeamSpeak3 and are you able to use it?
    Yes. Yes. I also use RaidCall and Ventrillo.

    18: Do you have headphones and microphone available?
    Yes and Yes, Don't poke fun at my Englishness.

    19: It will often happen to be criticized in order to improve your performance in the raid, are you ready to take sharp criticism and to comply with the instructions of raid leaders? Is this a problem for you?
    I have no problem with Criticism, Are your officers/raidleaders capable of taking counter-criticisms? My methods can be drasticly different in DPSing or Healing, but i really exceed averages, I have all my theorycrafting sorted and upon being criticized i spew all my theory crafts...

    20: Share additional information about you as a wow player, changing characters, servers, played time, etc.

    Played Omegawow and was the first Raid Leader to make Pugs that killed Lichking ( most were guild runs.) However being in a huge well-known PvE guild, I did leave and make my own guild and then began to do 50% guildy 50% pug ICC10 runs to get new members ( Even killed LK in these recruitment runs. )

    Last edited by toamukas on Sun Sep 02, 2012 1:11 am; edited 2 times in total

    Брой мнения : 6
    Join date : 2012-09-01
    Age : 27

    Toamuka - any roles and any classes. Empty Re: Toamuka - any roles and any classes.

    Post  toamukas Sun Sep 02, 2012 12:51 am

    As a side note, I am capable of FRAPsing raids.

    here is a link to my youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/toamuka?feature=mhee

    As another side note, The fury warrior; Jediexile is Hypoxia from this guild. We worked together a lot during raids, She was my Hysteria target ( /cast [target=Jediexile] Hystiria ftw ) we talked alot on skype while raiding for when to pop the cooldown and her and I interaction were extremely useful for the Lichking encounter, and as a raid leader she would be my adviser...

    Most memorable moment would be...

    Hysteria is up Jedi push the phase!
    oh... enjoy the DPS boost anyway.

    Брой мнения : 82
    Join date : 2012-08-15
    Age : 27
    Местожителство : Bulgaria

    Toamuka - any roles and any classes. Empty Re: Toamuka - any roles and any classes.

    Post  Luran Sun Sep 02, 2012 11:09 am

    Good application, good stats, everything is good. You have my YES.

    Брой мнения : 6
    Join date : 2012-09-01
    Age : 27

    Toamuka - any roles and any classes. Empty Re: Toamuka - any roles and any classes.

    Post  toamukas Sun Sep 02, 2012 11:03 pm

    was added to guild, can be moved to Accepted.


    ^ reason why

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    Toamuka - any roles and any classes. Empty Re: Toamuka - any roles and any classes.

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